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WebinarID: 270-314-083
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5/13 (Fri.) 6:00-7:30 PM PDT/ 8:00-9:30 PM CST
5/14 (Sat.) 9:00-10:30 AM TWN Time
演講主題:韌性者勝出 淬煉未來CEO
講者介紹:何春盛 Chaney Ho
何春盛(Chaney Ho) 為研華共同創辦人,自2010年接手集團總經理起,即負責全球業務行銷、品牌與運營管理,並規劃「 智能地球推手」之願景計畫,加速研華進入物聯網產業,帶領研華至物聯網業界市占第一,公司市值USD$10B。研華於2004年至今獲Interbrand評選為台灣前二十大國際品牌,並於2018年起連續幾年獲台灣國際品牌前五名。
Workplaces are constantly changing and evolving in this era. How could you bring your value to your employer, be aware of changes and continuously improve and sharpen your skills to maintain your advantages at work?
Chaney Ho is the co-founder of Advantech Corporate. Since he took over as the general manager of the company group in 2010, he has been in charge of global business marketing, branding, and operation management. He strived for the company vision of “Enabling an Intelligent Planet,” which led Advantech the first place in the global IoT industry market share with a market cap. of USD$10 Billion. Advantech has been selected as one of the top 20 international brands in Taiwan by Interbrand since 2004. Besides, the company has been ranked among the top five international brands in Taiwan for several consecutive years since 2018.
In this speech session, Chaney Ho will share his 40 years of practical experiences from his life philosophy to global corporate management. His desire to share his real-life stories with young professionals.
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WebinarID: 270-314-083